USB MSD code post

Code for USB MSD

OK, the mass storage device code is finally done! What a wild ride it's been. Bits and pieces of information everywhere, some of it very hard to find! It's been a good few weeks so I need a break before writing about it but I'm uploading the code for anyone who may want to use it.

Please bear in mind that on my board, the SD card is attached to SPI2 on RB3 (for SDI) and RB5 (for SDO). The Chip Select (CS) pin is attached to RA0. If you wish to use this code, you will have to modify the appropriate values in mmcpic32.h and also the PPS settings in main.c.

If anyone has any questions, please drop a comment and I'll try and help out.

Here's the code.

Categories: pic32, USB, MSD

Tags: code, USB, MSD