Update and posts to come post

An update on the site

Update 2018/11/09: Finally managed to finish soldering the board. Found a minor mistake that I'll fix in the next revision but for now, time to write a post or two. Here's the board, by the way:

PIC32MZ - Cramming as much as possible onto a 100mm x 100mm PCB

I've been waiting for almost 4 weeks for the latest iteration of my development board to get made and I'll hopefully have it soon. It is my attempt to combine a battery charger, LCD port, audio DAC, 8MB SPI SRAM, SD card, USB connector etc on the same board to make writing these posts easier. Hopefully I'll have that all within a week and can resume writing these massively popular posts. Who knows, maybe they'll even be of use to someone at some point!

What I currently have lined up in terms of posts is, in no particular order:
- Using interrupts on the PIC32MZ
- Using the Parallel Master Port (PMP) to control a graphical LCD
- Using Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) to play audio files
- Using I2S to play audio via an external DAC chip
- Using I2C to communicate with external peripherals
- Combining a lot of the above stuff to write an MP3 player using the Helix MP3 Decoder library
- Creating a USB device
And then, if there's time:
- Designing your own PIC32MZ dev board and getting it made cheaply online

There's a lot more stuff I want to get out there because I really do think the PIC32MZ is great and it's a shame that there's no community around it. Anyway, hopefully I'll post more in a week or so. See you then.

Categories: pic32

Tags: blah